Helvetia – Support for development of staff catering operations
General description:
The Helvetia insurance company runs staff restaurants at three sites in Switzerland (Basel, St. Gallen and Givisiez). KATAG & Partners AG has been assisting Helvetia Insurance with its staff catering projects at the three sites for more than 10 years, providing support in key areas of the development process. The services we have provided are listed below.

Services provided:
Project support including a range of different tasks such as:
- evaluating catering contracts
- evaluating usage frequencies
- calculating capacities
- calculating spaces to reflect capacity needs
- evaluating concepts
- call for tenders to identify suitable operators
- elaborating concept proposals
- support for design concepts
- clarifying and evaluating technical requirements
- reviewing operating processes
- reviewing catering construction projects
- evaluating competitors
- elaborating alternative tender variants
- reviewing and appraising tenders